Q: If a dog bites me, do I have to prove that the dog has a vicious nature in order to hold the owner liable for the injuries their dog caused me?
A: No. Under Utah law, “[e]very person owning or keeping a dog is liable in damages for injury committed by the dog, and it is not necessary in the action brought therefor to allege or prove that the dog was of a vicious or mischievous disposition or that the owner or keeper of the dog knew that it was vicious or mischievous.” Utah Code § 18-1-1(1).
In other words, if a dog injures you, the owner is liable for the corresponding damages their dog caused you. You do not have to show that their dog was vicious by nature, and that owner should have known their dog was likely to attack other people.
At Head Law, we have many years of experience with personal injury, wrongful death, and insurance denial cases. We understand the impact a dog or animal attack has on you or your family, and will fight to ensure you or your family receive fair and full compensation for your