Many commercial insurance policies include coverage for the loss of income a business sustains as result of a disaster or other loss to covered property. Such insurance policies typically cover business income losses while the company goes through a period of “restoration” while business operations are suspended.
If you have a business interruption insurance policy, and your business operations are suspended due to a covered event, such as a disaster; and you have timely paid premiums, you are entitled to coverage. Nevertheless, insurance companies may wrongfully deny your insurance policy claim even though you qualify for coverage.
Business interruption insurance policies are very particular, and your policy may cover some types of disasters or events while it may not apply to others. Insurance companies may misconstrue the language in your policy—whether intentionally or on accident—in order to deny your claim. Therefore, due to the nuances and complexity of insurance policies, you need a skilled lawyer who will review the policy and evidence, and who knows the evidence and strategy required to win in a lawsuit.
At Head Law, we understand the impact a denied business income/business interruption insurance claim has on you and your business. We are experienced with insurance policies, denied insurance claims, and will take on the fight against the insurance companies to protect your rights.