Articles & In The News

What Constitutes A Valid Insurance Policy?
Insurance companies can misconstrue the language in insurance policies—whether unintentionally or on purpose—in order to deny your insurance claim even though you are entitled to

Legal Mistakes You May Be Making: Part 1—Waiting Too Long To File A Lawsuit (Statute of Limitations)
While suing someone is not a decision that should be taken lightly, waiting too long to file a lawsuit causes many problems, including: (1) The

Will a Verbal Contract Hold Up in Court?
You may have wondered whether your verbal contract will be considered valid in court. Oral contracts can be considered binding and enforceable in court. However,

Have You Been Defrauded?—Fraud and Negligent Misrepresentation
There are many unscrupulous people or businesses that try to take advantage of and defraud hardworking, honest people. In fact, the FBI lists many common

Legal Malpractice
When you hire an attorney you entrust them to take care of serious legal issues for you or your family. Such legal issues can include

Negligence in Personal Injury and Car Accident Lawsuits
Negligence is a common claim in personal injury cases. “Negligence means that a person did not use reasonable care.” MUJI 2d CV202A. More specifically, negligence